St. Joseph the Worker
Council of Catholic Women

Mission Statement:  To unite Catholic women of St. Joseph the Worker, in purpose, through support, empowerment and education in the areas of spirituality, leadership, and service with programs that respond with Gospel values to the needs of the church and society.

Summary:  All women are members of the CCW.  There are no ‘dues’.   We welcome new members and enjoy getting to know one another.  Meetings focus on spirituality, service, leadership, and education.  We enjoy sharing food, building community among the women, and learning from guest speakers.

The CCW works closely with other parish ministries to collaborate on Parish needs and assist with the needs of Catholic Community Services.

President: Teresa Smith
Vice-President: Loretta Lazar
Treasurer:  Jamie Beert
Secretary:  Machelle Montoya

Meetings:  First Thursday of each month from 6:30-8:30 p.m. and held in Sister Fabian hall.  No meetings in July or August.

Updates:  Information about upcoming meeting will be added to Bulletin and Flocknote prior to meeting.

Calendar: Click on this link ~~> 2022-2023 Calendar for CCW members

The Bylaws and Standing Rules:  Click on these links ~~> Standing Rules – 2022 and Bylaws – 2022